Trends in College Residence Halls

The current trend right now is that the residence halls are getting even smaller. Colleges are finding that they can make more money buy building the rooms even smaller. The ceilings in the residence halls are starting
to be lowered as well as the length and width of the rooms. I know what everyone is thinking, how could they possibly make dorm rooms any smaller? Well there might be a silver lining to this.

As stated above, many dorm rooms are in fact being build smaller but another trend right now in residence halls is that the community rooms are getting larger and much more sophisticated. The smaller dorm rooms encourages students to socialize and engage with fellow students in these common areas. These common areas often have flat scree TV's, desktop computers for studying, plug-ins for laptops, tablets, and phones. Many also have a small kitchen where you can cook your Ramen or Instant Mac and Cheese. Comfortable couches and chairs encourage students to stay in these areas as much as possible.  It is important to get out of your dorm room and try to meet as many people as you can whether it's personal friends or business contacts for your future after college.

Another trend in college residence halls is that they are building large open rooms that can be used for many different purposes. It is difficult to predict what role that technology will play in the next generation or so. Building these large and open rooms allow them to be easily revamped if the time is right sometime in the future.


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