How to Professionally Manage your Inbox In College

One of the first things that you will be given in college is an official college e-mail address. This will be the life line between you and your professors. It is important to get in the habit of checking your college e-mail at least twice a day. In high school, you more than likely did not have to check your e-mail all that often.

However, many college students check their e-mail once in the morning and once in the late afternoon/early evening. These times of the day are crucial to check your e-mails because these are the most common times that the professor will e-mail out any information regarding new assignments or tasks that need to be completed either that day or the next day.

Once you get into the habit of checking your school e-mail once a day, it is important to organize your inbox. You will more than likely receive dozens of e-mails a day from professors, parents, sports programs that you signed up for, students in your study groups, general campus alerts, etc.

Separating your e-mails into different folders for different parts of your college life is a good idea. Having a place to put every e-mail that comes into you is a great way to stay organized. Making a spam folder for all of the meaningless promotional e-mails that you will undoubtedly get is a great start. Responding to all the e-mails you get can be a pain but if you learn to respond to them right away you will develop good habits that will help you succeed for the duration of your time in college.


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